Looking for a 7 Month Car Lease?
We offer a small selection of 7 and 7 1/2 month car leases from a number of our suppliers.
These are usually from Audi and Skoda, however, we do have others available.
All of the 7 month contracts, offer no long term commitments and fixed cost motoring, with optional maintenance.
All vehicles are either brand new or pre-registered and come with the manufacturers warranty, road fund licence and breakdown assistance for the duration of the contract.
7 Month Car Offers
7.5 Month Car Offers
Contract Information
Our 7 Month Car Lease vehicles are all brand new or nearly new, supplied by UK dealers through many manufacturers. We can offer up to 2,000 miles per month on these vehicles, should you need more, then Flexible Short Term can offer 6k per month of needed. These contracts are fixed with little or no flexibility to end early or extend, however should you wish to change your vehicle every 7 months, these contracts are ideal.
More Information
If you would like any further information on our 7 month car leases, please complete the enquiry form or use the details below.
London Short Term Cars
3rd Floor, 36 Langham Street
W1W 7AP - 0207 183 0340
- 0845 226 7750
- 01332 290173
- Email Us